Anti-crime package: adversarial structure versus inquisitive governmentality of contemporary brazilian criminal procedure

estrutura acusatória versus governamentabilidade inquisitiva do processo penal brasileiro contemporâneo


  • Juliano de Oliveira Leonel UCB


Criminal procedure, Criminal Procedural Systems, Anti-crime package, Inquisitorial governability


The research has relevance in the national context, since it turns to the study of the inquisitorial structure of the Brazilian criminal procedure, which remains “alive”, even in the face of a Democratic State of Law. There is the research problem: to what extent will the anti-crime package, notably with the introduction of art. 3rd-A in the Criminal Procedure Code, face the inquisitorial governability of the contemporary Brazilian criminal procedure? Therefore, the purpose of this work, was to analyze the unconstitutionality of art. 156 of the Criminal Procedure Code and its tacit revocation by the anti-crime package, in addition to its eventual (in)effectiveness in the face of inquisitorial governability. As for the means, the research was bibliographic, because the theoretical-methodological basis is necessary for this work.


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Author Biography

Juliano de Oliveira Leonel, UCB

Doutorando em Ciências Criminais pela PUCRS, Mestre em Direito pela UCB, Especialista em Direito Penal e Processo Penal pela UFPI, Defensor Público. Professor UNIFSA – Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho e UNINOVAFAPI – Centro Universitário Novafapi. 



How to Cite

LEONEL, J. de O. Anti-crime package: adversarial structure versus inquisitive governmentality of contemporary brazilian criminal procedure: estrutura acusatória versus governamentabilidade inquisitiva do processo penal brasileiro contemporâneo. Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, n. 26, p. 535–549, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.