Brief critical analysis of law 13.964/2019 (anti-crime package), from the internal and external point of view of the legal system, in the light of the theories of contemporary constitutionalism


  • Alexandre Brandão Rodrigues
  • Antônio Flávio de Oliveira


Constitucionalismo contemporâneo, Teoria e filosofia do direito, Garantismo jurídico


A brief historical-philosophical digression of the three main conceptions of law was carried out to measure how the problem of judicial decisionism and the material control of the legislative production in these conceptions works. In light of this analysis, a criticism of Law 13.964/2019 was made. The method used was the philosophy of history and the deductive reasoning. The result obtained was that with Contemporary Constitutionalism the legal system must be seen as a system of rules, principles, policies and procedures. As for the “Anti-Crime Package”, it was found that several provisions of the law suffer from an unconstitutionality defect that must be declared or, at least, given an interpretation according to the Constitution.


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Author Biographies

Alexandre Brandão Rodrigues

Bacharel em Ciências Militares pela Academia de Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1994). Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil (1999). Especialista em Direito Penal e Direito Processual Penal pela UNIJUÍ (2008). Mestrando do Programa de Pós-graduação estricto sensu em Direitos Sociais e Políticas Públicas da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC. Diretor-presidente da Fundação Escola Superior da Defensoria Pública do Estado do RS (Fesdep). Subdefensor Público-Geral para Assuntos Jurídicos.

Antônio Flávio de Oliveira

Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul (1996). Subdefensor Público Geral do Estado para Assuntos Administrativos (2017-2020). Defensor Público-Geral do Estado.



How to Cite

RODRIGUES, A. B.; OLIVEIRA, A. F. de. Brief critical analysis of law 13.964/2019 (anti-crime package), from the internal and external point of view of the legal system, in the light of the theories of contemporary constitutionalism. Revista da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, n. 26, p. 15–41, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.