International evidence on criminal treatment
Prison beyond ideologies
Penal treatment, RNR model, international evidence, reducing recidivismAbstract
This paper is a review study that seeks to identify some of the most important international evidence on what works in penal treatment, with emphasis on the Risk, Need and Responsiveness model (RNR Model), which is still little known in Brazil. The research examined the 15 most relevant scientific articles according to the bibliometric criteria of the Publish or Perish (Harzing, 2007) software, published in English, located on the Google Scholar platform, using the search words "RNR Model / impact" with the Boolean indicator AND, without defining a time frame, and which evaluated the results of the model in the penal treatment. In the literature review, it was possible to reconstruct the history of the "nothing works in prisons" doctrine, identifying its inconsistency. References to other successful penal treatment projects, particularly in the area of prison education, required specific searches that favoured systematic reviews and studies with meta-analysis. We conclude that penal treatment programmes can play an important role in reducing recidivism, as well as providing other benefits to communities and people deprived of their liberty.
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